Between Three Rivers
by Jacalyn den Haan
"If you believe my tale, you will wait until the weather warms to journey back and embrace your lover rather than running the risk of traveling at the whim of the devil"
-Honoré Beaugrand, La Chasse-Galerie
i could not circle back
to the suburbs we made love
that ground between three rivers
where the Mauricie drains
the Mauricie pools, eddies
Mauricie pours hellbent
into the Saint Laurent now bound
by loneliness
now absent memories
a veil, a watery shroud
i could not return
and forge my home
in that brick garden between cities
that liminal space
where Montréal a wicked dream
to the southwest, Québec City
a prayer to the east
where suburban transit
would take me nowhere near
on foot would draw me no closer
to what memories
of love i long to relive
but only if the devil came
offered me a bewitched canoe
bound for that space between rivers
to go and meet you there
i would stand and i would go
on pain of damnation
in the deep of winter i would go
to that liminal space
only to meet you there

Jacalyn den Haan
Jacalyn den Haan is an educator and emerging writer hailing from Langley, BC and currently located in Montréal, QC. Her work appears or will be appearing in Blank Spaces and EVENT.
You can find her on Twitter at @denhaanjacalyn or on http://jacalyndenhaan.blogspot.com/